A Naturopathic Perspective On Grief
Monday, September 24, 2012
Desiree Winans in Grief, Grieving, Healing, Ignatia amara, Rescue Remedy

The passing of a family friend two nights ago has me thinking deeply about greif.

We all have it, whether we have lost someone close or not. However those that do lose a close loved one or friend are in a bit of a special club. It's a club you didn't belong to before- and were oblivious that it existed. 

One doesn't truly know heartache until someone close to them dies. The sadness of them passing, the guilt for not "doing more"- or telling them how much they really meant to you. All those physical opportunities disappear in a literal heartbeat. 

We have strong emotions when we are in grieving- but grieving itself is an emotion of the lungs. When you're sad or grieving, you may find yourself sighing all the time. When I lost my brother nearly 5 years ago to a car accident- before I knew anything about emotions and organs- I was sighing CONSTANTLY. I was aware of it- I just didn't know the connection. We store grief in the lungs. Undealt with- respiratory problems can arise. 

Bringing attention to the breath during a grieving situation can help- those tiny sighs are actually micro-emotional releases. The lungs are trying to tell you something: It's time to cry, release, feel, breath deep and let it all out with each exhale. 

There is nothing you can do to diminish the pain of losing someone, except wait. Time does help- but there are some nice things that you can do for yourself (or that you can do for someone who IS grieving) along the way to help get through.

Some Humble Suggestions: 

These are just a few suggestions. I'm sure there are so many more out there and if you know of some- I'd love to hear them! 

Article originally appeared on Natural Health Educator (http://modernhippie.org/).
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