Yes, I'm a complete 80's dork. Back to school is upon us.
Oh lord- let the germ exposure begin!
Fear Not Mom's, Dad's & Teachers...Our bodies are designed to eat viruses and bacteria for breakfast!
Here's what I'd recommend:
- Elderberry/and or Echinacea tincture (take either or both one week on, one week off) About 30 drops (1 dropper full is a prevention dose) Click the Elderberry Link above for instructions on it's use.
- An Acute dose of Echinacea tincture- meaning YOU ARE FOR SURE GETTING SICK- would be 60-90 drops of Echinacea every 2 hours. This is 2-3 droppers full.
- Once your fully sick, these things will help but at this point you may need other herbals to improve symptoms like expectorants, antispasmodics and continued immune support to speed heal time.
- Pick up a high quality commercial Elderberry Extract here- caution though this size is best for a family as it should be used within 1 month of purchase:)
- Apple Cider Vinegar daily (either in salad dressings or just taken watered down or with raw honey) When digestion is strong- so is health.
- When you really are getting nailed fast by cold or flu- Reach for colloidal silver. Works every time for us. Gargle with it, drip it down the back of the nose, swish with it in the mouth for 30 seconds- then swallow- Lots of different ways to take this- but it works like a charm for acute cold and flu care.
- Probiotics FOR SURE! I like the Garden of Life Raw ones- or if your really dealing with some poor digestive health, yeast issues or renal problems- I'd go with a few months of the Renew Life Critical Care. ALWAYS buy probiotics refrigerated! Critical Care by Renew life is Allergen Free!
- If your a fan of homeopathy- occillococcinum is very effective for flu- but it must be the flu, fever, chills, vomiting diarrhea- I believe that is the listed symptoms for occilococcinum.
- Limit wheat, excessive sugar, alcohol and dairy (unless it's raw of course)
- Drink lots of herbal teas such as nettle, red raspberry leaf, chamomile peppermint- all are astringent, nutritional and healing.
I know it's really tempting these days to reach for antibacterial gels and hand sanitizers. Try to resist this urge!
There is new information out there that tells us that these gels not only kill bad bacteria but they kill the healthy bacteria that is a huge part of our bodily immune health. We spend alot of money on probiotics, special yogurts kombucha- AND time- making kombucha/water kefir etc. We're trying desperately to put this bacteria back in- don't destroy it with rampant use of hand sanitizer! UNLESS- we can make one at home that isn't harmful- Eureka!
***The texture of my sanitizer is a bit sticky- a small price to pay for a healthy gut!
Here's how you can make your own hand sanitizer at home.
All you need is two ingredients: Aloe Life Aloe Gel & Young Living Lavender Essential Oil.
- Simply combine the two by (yep- recycling your old hand sanitizer bottles!)-
- And adding 5-10 drops of the Lavender essential oil to the bottom of the empty bottle- then slowly fill (periodically shaking to mix well) with the Aloe Life Gel.
- If you can smell the lavender- you've used enough. The nose knows!
- Voila! Homemade non-toxic effective antibacterial gel!
This gel is alcohol free, healing and will not disrupt healthy bacteria- lavender likewise is antiseptic, antibacterial and will also clean hands in a pinch when good-old-fashioned-soap and water is no where to be found.
You don't have to do all these things- Whatever resonates with you, start there. I hope this helps! :)
Got something that MUST be added to the list! Comment here!
Article originally appeared on Natural Health Educator (
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