First Juicing Class; Many more to come!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Desiree Winans in Cleansing, Green Drinks, Modern Hippie Class, juicing

I'm so excited today because my first ever juicing class yesterday was an enormous success!  I had more people in class than ever before with 19 in attendance and I had alot of great questions, excellent participation from people there and I had 4 people drive from almost 2 hours away in Ann Arbor!  Thanks guys!

If you have questions on juicing, fasting or natural health, my ideas and experiences are just a click away.  Check out the blog for all my detox info, fasting tidbits and ways to be more naturally healthy, pharmaceutical free and happy!

A SPECIAL thanks to my lovely Sister Destinee without whom the class would have been complete chaos!  Your the best "Vanna" ever!  Love you!


Article originally appeared on Natural Health Educator (
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