Spring Cleaning For The Bowels
Monday, February 20, 2012
Desiree Winans in Acne, Bowel Cleansing, Cleansing, Digestive Problems, Enemas, Hormonal Imbalance, Probiotics

Cleansing the bowels with these suggestions will help encourage elimination. Ever think about doing a bowel cleanse?

There are SO many ways that you can do it. You can get kits, you can take pills, powders, oils and so on. This blog post contains a custom made bowel cleanse that I created for a client and I decided to share it! The main goal of a bowel cleanse is to ensure stagnant waste is moved out of the bowels, to bombard the bowels with healthy substances it needs to function well, and to establish healthier habits for continued bowel health. Spring cleaning really does apply to more than just your house! 

You can do any combination of these suggestions; the more you implement and adhere to, the more effective bowel cleanse will be achieved. 

For this cleanse I suggested a duration of 1 month in preparation for a liver cleanse the following month. Now is a great time to do a bowel cleanse as March is an excellent month for liver cleansing. You can also do two weeks on, two weeks off; essintially breaking up the cleanse so it doesn't seem so long. 

Just a few reasons to cleanse the bowels and liver:

Implement the following bowel cleansing habits for the duration of the cleansing period:

Foods to Avoid During the Bowel Cleanse:

Snacks, Breads and Dairy that are acceptable:

The main benefit of an enema is the cleansing of stagnant wastes from the body. Stagnant waste in the colon, leads to dirty blood. Dirty blood must be eliminated elsewhere; unfortunately the skin is the best place for the body to rid itself of toxins. People with acne, hormonal imbalance, candida or digestive problems can benefit.  Find Directions for doing Enemas here.  Additionally probiotics administered in enemas populate the bowels with healthy bacteria to encourage a healthy ecosystem in the bowel. This is going to encourage proper elimination. All this info and more is at the link above on enemas. 

Always brush towards the heart!Dry Brushing:

Dry brushing is important as it will encourage lymphatic drainage in the body. We want to open ALL channels of elimination so that we can cleanse the organs, bowels, blood and skin. It’s simple, it takes 5 minutes and it FEELS SO GOOD!  Pick up a dry brush at any health food store or at the link above to vitacost.com. Begin with it each morning prior to showering, dry brushing on bare, dry skin towards the armpits, towards the heart, towards the groin. This will encourage lymphatic movement, and detoxification of the body.

Laxative Teas:

We must do laxative herbal teas or herbal capsules as it will purge the bowels several times a week. With dry brushing, eating better, juicing more and detoxing more than normal, purging the bowels periodically will ensure that stagnant wastes do not collect there. Try doing the tea (1 bag at first, steeped for 20 minutes). Do this at night when you don’t have to be anywhere in the morning prior to 10:00am. We need to see how quickly the tea is effective for you. I would recommend drinking the tea around 7:00 or 8:00pm at night. Everyone responds differently to laxative teas. You may wake up at 4:00am to go, or you may not go until 9:00am. You will need to experiment at first to find out what works for you. I do not advocate for people using herbal laxatives habitually. This creates a dependency on the laxative for movements. We must rely on our own natural peristalsis (wave like motion in the bowels) to move food through the intestine. The laxative herbal teas should be used 2-3 times a week at the most during the bowel detox.

There are many variations of bowel cleanses. You can pretty much take or leave any of these options and STILL benefit the bowels in a positive way. As I mentioned before, you really get out of it what you put into it. 

Please reach out to me with questions or comments on bowel cleansing or any other natural health topics!



Article originally appeared on Natural Health Educator (http://modernhippie.org/).
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