Why the Federal Government/Monsanto Revolving Door is BAD.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Desiree Winans in FDA, Food, GMO, Monsanto, Organics, Revolving Door between Monsanto and Federal Government

Why is this this revolving door between the Federal Government & Monsanto Corporation a BAD thing?

Because Monsanto controls the majority of the seed patents, they control a vast majority of the food supply. The Federal Government should be regulating (with the FDA & the EPA) the quality & safety of the GMO food grown from Monsanto seed.

Instead of being objective as they should, these Federal Agencies are strategically populated with individuals that have either worked for, consulted for or were board members for Monsanto Corporation interests.

This is a HUGE conflict of interest. Monsanto can develop any kind of seed, with any sort of genetic trait like built-in pesticides & herbicides. Genes from insects, bacteria, viruses, animals, & humans are injected into GMO seed to produce "desirable" traits. Monsanto puts enormous pressure on unsuspecting farmers and nations around the world to buy their seed; without being tested to ensure safety in the environment & for consumption long term.

These foods are readily approved; called "substantially equivalent" to non-GMO seed. It's all orchestrated perfectly as the people that developed these monstrosities at Monsanto now sit at the helm of the governing bodies charged with the duty to approve foods for OUR safety.

GMO Foods:

How do you avoid GMO foods?


Article originally appeared on Natural Health Educator (http://modernhippie.org/).
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