

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries in Candida (3)


Lead, Fluoride & Mercury: Personal Experiences, Research & Means of Detoxification

Here is a quick little paper I wrote on 3 separate environmental poisons. Lead, Fluoride & Mercury. I share some of the research I've done in a short digestible read. I didn't cite sources, although I can if your interested in knowing them. 

I also detail my experience with mercury toxicity and the yeast connection. Please reach out with questions, comments or further ideas or info!


Lead, Fluoride & Mercury: Environmental Poisons 2 Pagers



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Defeating the Yeast Beast

This is the Renew Life Critical Care recommended by my Naturopath. I've trusted Renew Life for years. Pick this up at Better Health with a coupon if you can as it's pricey. Chronic yeast infections are not something to put a bandaid on...

...And by bandaid I mean Monastat, Vagasil or any of those other over the counter creams or suppositories. This will only suppress this illness for a short time, only to have it rear it's ugly head later. As it did with me. I used Monastat in my early twenties for yeast infections that I would get about once a year or so. 10 years later, here I am dealing with it for keeps, naturally.

For me this battle with yeast began with the removal of the mercury from my teeth late last year; just days later the yeast began to detox from my body, with a vengeance! Mercury toxicity actually impedes the body's ability to reduce yeast overgrowth. Now that the mercury is gone, the yeast is subsiding. I have flare ups but as long as I avoid beer, too much refined sugar and stick to the program below, I'm defeating the yeast beast. Healing is about perminant lifestyle changes, not temporary quick fixes. Ho Hum.

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Fasting Q&A with Modern Hippie 

I recently had a friend reach out to me and tell me she was ready to do a fast.  She was excited and full of lots of great questions.  I've decided to share them with you (with her permission of course). For any of you on the fence or those that also have questions, this might be helpful.  To the left is a helpful book by Steve Meyerowitz on Juice Fasting.  Below are her questions and my answers. Her questions are a bit advanced but some are also fundamental for fasting. More updates on her progress will follow. Enjoy!  

"Hi Dez,  Ok, so I read all that I could find on your blog about fasting. I'm so glad that I did because I learned about weaning the certain foods & junk from my diet beforehand. I'm glad to have been doing the Maker's Diet since July so eliminating most of this won't be hard for me.  

Now, for the questions about the actual fast..."

Q 1. During the fast, I should drink appropriate amounts of h2o, right? Half my body weight in ounces?
A 1. Drinking clear liquids is important. I'm not even very good at this one; Drink 50 to 70 ounces of pure water on top of your juicing and herbal infusions and you'll be just fine:)

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