

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries in GMO (4)


The Risks We Take Everyday With GMO Foods

There are many health risks associated with Genetically Engineered foods. 

The possible side-effects of GMO ingestion below have been documented by independent scientists- NOT affiliated with the biotech industry. We must adhere to the precautionary principle when it comes to something as important as our food. 

With over 70% of processed foods on our shelves in the US being of genetically modified origin- the implications to our nations health are scary- to put it nicely. 

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Pig Farmer in Iowa Looses Farm To GMO Corn

This is an interview with a Pig Farmer in Iowa who lost his farm in 2002. In 2000 when he switched to a new kind of genetically modified corn, 80% of his pigs became infertile. He later found out he wasn't the only farmer in town encountering this problem. If it makes the pigs infertile, what is it doing to us?

Jerry Rosman from Ananda Guillet on Vimeo.


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Truth in Labeling GMO Foods Gains Traction: Scientific Proof of RNA's Effect on Organ Function Makes a Mark!

This is a picture of wheat, which has been heavily hybridized in the last 50 years, making it very different than what we have evolved to eat. Can you say Celiacs Disease??

I'd like you all to take a look at this website started to promote what's called "truth in labeling" in food for Michigan.

This campaign needs support to gain traction towards the creation of legislation.  It's an expensive, time consuming processes in which influence in politics comes into play a great deal. Not MY cup of tea; BUT a necessary hurdle to jump to get these important measures turned into law. Other states are beginning this process as with the state of Washington.  There state senator Maralyn Chase is sponsoring a bill to get truth in labeling signed into law. 

Truth in labeling means just that; we have the RIGHT to know what is in our food and where it comes from. Especially with regard to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's). GMO's are foods such as corn, soy, cottonseed, canola, sugar beets and recently sweet corn, that are physically injected with genetic DNA/RNA from other species that would NEVER occur in nature. They take bacteria, virus and pesticides and genetically encode THOSE into our foods too. 

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Why the Federal Government/Monsanto Revolving Door is BAD.

Why is this this revolving door between the Federal Government & Monsanto Corporation a BAD thing?

Because Monsanto controls the majority of the seed patents, they control a vast majority of the food supply. The Federal Government should be regulating (with the FDA & the EPA) the quality & safety of the GMO food grown from Monsanto seed.

Instead of being objective as they should, these Federal Agencies are strategically populated with individuals that have either worked for, consulted for or were board members for Monsanto Corporation interests.

This is a HUGE conflict of interest.

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