

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries in Vitamin D (2)


"Vitamin D- 15 Facts You May Not Know" By Mike Adams

Fifteen facts you probably never knew about vitamin D and sunlight exposure.

(Compiled by Mike Adams, based on an interview with Dr. Michael Holick, author, The UV Advantage)

Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and even effects diabetes and obesity. Vitamin D is perhaps the single most underrated nutrient in the world of nutrition. That's probably because it's free: your body makes it when sunlight touches your skin. Drug companies can't sell you sunlight, so there's no promotion of its health benefits. Truth is, most people don't know the real story on vitamin D and health. So here's an overview taken from an interview between Mike Adams and Dr. Michael Holick.

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A Modern Hippie sheds Light on Natural Sunscreens

I spent a couple of hours in the sun yesterday and although I skillfully avoided burning my face, arms and legs, I have a nice strip of burned skin on the unprotected small of my back exposed while pulling weeds. Bummer. Since summer is officially here, let the sunscreen shopping begin!

First lets touch on SPF or Sun Protection Factor: What does it mean?  What does it tell you about your bottle of sun screen?

Here's how it works:

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