

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries in Detox (6)


Mind Blowing! My First (Of Many) Ionic Foot Spas

After 15 Minutes of Soaking. I began to smell the chlorine in the water, coming out of my body. This water WAS purified.Can I just say, OH MY FREAKIN' GOSH! I just had my very first ionic foot bath and WHOA! I've never seen such sludge in all my life! I can say whole-heartedly that I am a believer in the detoxifying ability of this machine! This is something that anyone who is working to get healthy, detox or feel better must try and make apart of your regular natural health regiment. 

How did I get hooked up with this? My friend Laura Peiffer has been telling me for months how wonderful ths Ionic Foot Spa is that she does for herself and clients. I've been wanting to try it but we couldn't make time until today. I really had no idea what to expect. I do alot of cleansing, yes. But I know there is still much work to be done in this body- and now I'm certain without a shadow of a doubt! There is

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Dear Modern Hippie, I Want to Do a Quick & Easy Cleanse...

My recommendation would be to do an "Elimination Diet".  If you're already a person that enjoys fruits and vegetables it won't be too hard for you.  If not-so-much, this will be difficult BUT still entirely worth doing:)  

My Elimination diet is all about removing (one day at a time), the foods that create acid in the body and are more difficult for the body to process.  This gives your body a break from the "heavy lifting" of digesting meats, breads, dairy and other acidifying foods and beverages.  When you give your body that "break", it can focus on other tasks at hand, like cleaning out the colon, purging the liver, or cleansing the pores of the skin.  The body knows best and if you give it a chance to heal, it will! 

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Why I fast.

Today is day 12 of my Juice Fast (or juice feast as I'm trying to call it).  Juicing has really improved my health in the last year.  My digestion has improved; less bloating, gas, all that fun stuff has diminished.

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The Liquid Prescription

I woke this morning as normal between 7 and 8am; bounded down the steps with a load of laundry.  As soon as I hit the bottom step I realized something:  I have absolutely NO pain in my feet.  Normally going down the steps the first time of the day is kind of like walking on painful egg-shells.  

My ankles crack my toes protest. Today, nothing.  

Then I realized that my hands which are normally a little puffy in the morning were completely deflated, no stiffness.  I looked in the mirror and what seemed to be my normal face, but instead of having the crusty, itchy, irritated eyes from seasonal allergies; I hardly have so much as an eye goober.  

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Internal Body Cleansing: The Final Cut; Part V

Thanks for your patience as I got my poop in a group this month.  I wanted to start a cleanse sooner but I suppose everything is as it should be.  It's better to do a cleanse in the spring or the fall (although it's not quite in the air yet) it is on the horizon, cooler mornings, shorter days...

So just to break it down for you, here's what you need to buy:


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Internal Body Cleansing: Foods that Must be Avoided during a Detox; Part III

Most of the foods below are acid forming.  This is only part of why they made the naughty list but it's very important to become aware of the difference between acid forming foods and alkalizing foods.  Here's the short version of the explanation: The body requires pH balance to function.  The blood for example is ALWAYS between 7.35 and 7.45; side effects of varying outside of that pH window are death.  Since the body creates acid naturally (all the cells of the body do); our bodies (in their infinite genius ness) also have procedures to eliminate the acid.  For example, breathing.  Just the simple act of exhaling eliminates acid.  The body also requires minerals to buffer the acids and get rid of them safely.  If you didn't, every time you urinated you would be burning out the lining in your urethra with acid urine- ouch!  The body buffers the acids with minerals to safely eliminate the wastes we create and control the pH of the body 24 hours a day. These minerals MUST come from foods. If your body doesn't get them from foods, it pulls minerals from places like bones (which is bad).  Mineral rich foods like fruits and vegetables are the answer.  For a complete list of Alkaline and Acid Foods; click here.

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