How Intestinal Permeability Contributes To Allergies, Illness & Autistic Spectrum Symptoms

This segment is a little longer at 4 minutes long- but if you have children or even specifically autistic children- check it out!
They explain how gut permeability has increased due at least in part to the rise of GMO foods in the foods supply since 1996. This increased permeability allows food particles and contents of the intestinal tract to leak into the blood stream, where the body releases an antibody to "destroy" this foreign invader.
The result is increased allergic responses- sometimes coming on overnight or increasing in severity and scope over time.
To avoid a great portion of GMO foods avoid corn, soy, cottonseed and canola. These ingredients are VERY common in boxed food therefore box food or convenience foods like macaroni and cheese for example- should always be purchased organically when possible.