

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries in Chia Seed (2)


A Green Smoothie that is ACTUALLY Good!

Ok, I know GOOD is a subjective word. What's good to me, might not be good to you. 

This spirulina smoothie will redefine your opinion of green drinks forever. It's so smooth, creamy and sweet- it's the best one I've had yet- Thanks to Rachel Knapp- my friend, fellow student the Naturopathic Institute and smoothie chef extraordinaire! All the credit is to you my dear! 

Here's what you need and where to get it! 

Mix all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth! Add a few ice cubes and blend again if desired. Rachel says she likes to drink it out of a wine glass at home to be extra fun :-)

You'll spend about $35 or so on all this stuff (give or take some if you buy more nuts, chia, or spirulina) but have smoothies for at least 2 weeks. The cacao and the spirulina will likely last much longer as they are available in larger containers.

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Cha-Cha-Cha Chia & Chlorophyll: Why You Need Em'!

A digestive-support-match-made-in-heaven!

Chia seed all by itself is fantastic! It was used for centuries by native American and Aztec civilizations. It was used to give them sustained energy for battle or on long hunting excursions. Chia is the Mayan word for "strength".

It's power packed in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, healthy fats fiber (both soluble and insoluble), phytochemicals and more. It's higher in essential fatty acids per ounce than salmon and is one of the the highest protein by weight plant sources as well. In nutshell- it's a SUPER FOOD! Chia is inexpensive, you can buy a pound for a couple of dollars in bulk at most health food stores- Here's Better Health Stores Link regarding Chia Seeds.  

Click to EnlargeChia Seeds Contain:

  • protein
  • fiber
  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • sodium
  • zinc
  • copper
  • manganese
  • selenium
  • vitamin B1,B2,B3,B6
  • folate (folic acid)
  • vitamin A,C,& E
  • saturated fats, monounsaturated fats & polyunsaturated fats
  • essential amino acids (the ones our body's don't make) 
  • non-essential amino acids (our body's do make these)

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