

A Green Smoothie that is ACTUALLY Good!

Ok, I know GOOD is a subjective word. What's good to me, might not be good to you. 

This spirulina smoothie will redefine your opinion of green drinks forever. It's so smooth, creamy and sweet- it's the best one I've had yet- Thanks to Rachel Knapp- my friend, fellow student the Naturopathic Institute and smoothie chef extraordinaire! All the credit is to you my dear! 

Here's what you need and where to get it! 

Mix all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth! Add a few ice cubes and blend again if desired. Rachel says she likes to drink it out of a wine glass at home to be extra fun :-)

You'll spend about $35 or so on all this stuff (give or take some if you buy more nuts, chia, or spirulina) but have smoothies for at least 2 weeks. The cacao and the spirulina will likely last much longer as they are available in larger containers.

The benefits of spirulina alone make it worthwhile. Did you know that spirulina is referred to as the food of the future? It's got virtually every amino acid, packed with vitamins, minerals, rich in protein, it's oxygenating, cleansing, nourishing and very mild in flavor.

Chia seed has more healthy fats by weight than salmon! It's inexpensive, delicious and rich in those healthy fats that we all need so desperately! Read about the benefits of chia seed here:)

Dates are a healthy form of sweetness- mineral rich, unlike refined sugar. Nuts lend a bit more protein and make it a heartier smoothie- that really sticks to your ribs! The chocolate and vanilla make it devine! Try it! 

I think I'll save this one for when I start breaking my fast- Enjoy it for me!  there she is!

This is me on the left, Rachel in the middle and our friend Sara in Chicago last June- Good Times:)

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