

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries in Craniosacral (2)


What Craniosacral Is And Why You Should Get Some!

Our Craniosacral MechanismI just took a 4 day seminar on Craniosacral Therapy in Chicago through the Upledger Institute. It was incredible!

I learned SO much. I'm going to try to break it down for you. Not only to organize the thoughts in my head, but to show you what Craniosacral therapy can do for you and the ones you love. 

First of all, let's talk body rhythms. We are all familiar with our cardiac rhythm. We all know very well the rhythm of the lungs. The rhythm of the craniosacral mechanism (brain, spine and sacrum) is the 3rd and likely most fundamental rhythm in our body. It's the cycle of the brain producing cerebral spinal fluid (pretty important stuff) bathing our brain, spine and sacrum in nutrient dense, oxygenated fluid, and it reabsorbing into the blood. 

Without this process which begins at just 5 weeks in our embryonic development, our heart and lungs wouldn't work at all! Everyone has a craniosacral rhythm! Some are faster, some are slower. The average number of cycles for each of us is between 6 and 12 per minute. This is compared to our heart which beats 80 times per minute. The Craniosacral Rhythm (CSR) is slow and should be steady & symmetrical.

Click to read more ...


Light Touch Therapy Class~ for Trauma & Beyond!

Date & Time: May 1st, 2012, 6:30pm

Location: NEO Center

Address: 934 Clark Street Lansing, MI 48906

Hosted By: Desiree Winans

Host's Message: Have you had a trauma that you haven't been able to move past? Whether it's physical or purely emotional these events can have lasting effects. For those of us that have been lucky not have traumatic injury or emotional trauma; we still may struggle with problems & illnesses. 
Cranio Sacral Therapy offers a key to unlock those traumas and illnesses. The subtle cellular releases it brings are sometimes what is needed allow healing and health to begin.
Cranio Sacral is light touch therapy that uses the hands to fascilitate the balancing of what is called the Cranio Sacral Mechanism. This consists of the skull, spine and sacrum (lowest part of spine). 
By locating points of tension, using non-invasive pressure, Cranio Sacral permits the inherent therapeutic Life Force in all of us to normalize the body. Many people see results in a matter of weeks! It's relaxing, beneficial and inexpensive compared to physical therapy and other modalities. 
Join me to find out how Cranio Sacral works and how you can benefit from it! 
THIS CLASS IS FREE WITH A SUGGESTED DONATION OF $5. Snacks and beverages will be provided. 

Hope to see you there!