Blood Type Breakfast

Blood Type O breakfast on the left- Blood Type A on the right!
While ideally a Blood Type O gets plenty of animal source protein (mainly grass fed beef), a protein rich shake in the AM made with a good quality brand like Shakeology will get your O's through till lunch when they can exercise their carnivorous nature.
Blood type A's on the other hand (generally speaking) do much better on a vegetarian based diet. Thus, the straight up Carrot/Apple fresh juice on the right.
I'm a blood type A & I've always felt my best with a vegetarian based diet. I love to eat that way!
Carl on the other hand gets a little out if sorts without red meat. Before I new better I tried to have him go a week without meat to "cleanse"- NOT a good idea.
O's that are vegetarian & healthy are fortunate! However if the health of a vegetarian Blood Type O begins to deteriorate, consider eating grass fed beef a few times a week to get healthy again.
Check out the works of Dr. D'Adamo. Here is his website and he has written multiple books. I posted his link below.
The documentation of his success with this diet is pretty vast. As far as my work with clients I use this as a guide. I don't believe that it's 100% true all of the time. - nothing ever is in health!!
For example I have no problem woofing down a steak and veggies and I really enjoy it and have no problem digesting it. However if I ate that way all the time, I wouldn't feel good. I know this for myself and did long before learned about Blood Type Diets.
I have clients that are O's and unhealthy and I encourage them to start with bone broths and work up to grass fed beef with veggies a few times a week as a part of the entire regiment I put together.
Sometimes it takes time to figure out the exact right way to eat for every person because I don't think everyone fits into little boxes like that. I use it as a guide and find his work fascinating!
Thanks for reading!
I am not a physician, I'm a Naturopathic Student. Natural Health advice contained herein are suggestions only and are not meant to prescribe, treat, diagnose or cure any disease. They will help the body do what it does best, to heal itself; when given the needed nutrients, minerals, and substances. Changes that you make are of your own free will and are done so with the knowledge that you take 100% responsibility for your own health.