

Got Allergies? This Neti Pot is your New Best Friend.


It's a piece of cake to use and once your in the habit you'll never go over the counter allergy medicines again. I should know!  I've been aflicted with seasonal allergies since I was about 12.  I would wake up with my eyes glued shut!  Once I got the hot wash cloth on there and pryed my eyes open, my eyes would be terribly bloodshot from itching in my sleep.  It was TERRIBLE!  Now I drink Nettle Tea, I watch the dairy intake, and I do my Neti at least once a week.  During allergy season, once a day:  Here's the instructions. 

  • ‎Buy 1 neti pot (under $20)
  • Buy 1 container uniodized salt (under $2)
  • Add 1 to 2 tsp salt to the neti
  • Add Hot Water first to disolve, stir salt water.
  • Add Cool water make water Luke warm before you use it.
  • Place Neti to nostril and lean over sink 
  • Tip Neti up to pour water into the nostril, water will travel through the sinus cavity and come out the other nostril.
  • First Time users do one full pot per nostril to thoroughly cleanse sinus cavity.
  • When both nostrils have been cleansed blow nose GENTLY. I like to have a kleenex box sitting right by the sink waiting for me.
  • The sinuses and ears will feel strange for about 20 minutes, feels like when you get off an airplane (congested and squeeky) but it goes away quickly. Within an hour you should feel better.
  • People that have been stuffed up for weeks may have to do this 2 or 3 times a day to get the sinuses back to normal.
  • One to four times per day should do, or before and after going outdoors.

Try it!  it sounds wierd but it works very well:) Check out the Neti Pot photo album at and let me know what you think!




Reader Comments (4)


I have occasional, but extremely severe allergy attacks when I'm outside doing yard work or coming into contact with grass, leaves, etc. I really need to get to the doctor and have them check me out, but I haven't. Anyways, when these attacks hit, nothing over the counter can save me except Benadryl, which I dread using because they just put me in a coma. I've never used the Neti-pot before, do you think it could save me?
June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNick
I think your going to have to do a combination of herbs and neti. Go to the nearest health food store OR go to this link and purchase Nettle Capsules.

I've used many times and they are always very competitively priced and they have never disappointed me. Plus it's always $5 shipping on your whole order.

Take 3 Nettle Caps twice daily (or six with a meal) the first day. Do this for three to five days.
Then cut back to just 3 every morning during allergy season.

I'm not sure if your a tea drinker but Nettle Tea is my staple, everyday drinking tea. That's probably why my allergies don't bother me at all anymore! It's delicious, cheap and easy to buy online. This is where I get mine: You'll need a tea pot because it's loose leaf tea. It's also available at whole foods in bulk (buy as much or as little as you like) and it's a great way to try it before committing to a pound! It's also available at WF's in tea bags which are very convenient.

You can pick up a Neti Pot for $10 at this same site.

If you know your going to be outside in contact with leaves or grass make sure that you take a fat dose that morning. (the full 6) As soon as you come in from yard work do the neti in the sink or shower. You could do the neti pot as many as 3 times a day if your really suffering. Though it sounds like you have occasional attacks so I think taking preventative measure, with the occasional neti use will do ya'.

In addition to that you could take Quercetin. Here's the link for that. Quercetin isn't a herb like Nettle, it's a bioflavanoid (like in apples or oranges). It's a natural antihistamine. Take 4 for the first 3 days with your Nettle, then down to 2 everyday during allergy season.

Also if your a big milk drinker (not sure if you are), you may want to consider avoiding the dairy during the high pollen times of year. Most adults are slightly to significantly allergic but just don't know it. Allergic reactions to grass and pollen are intensified by daily dairy intake. It's pretty easy to avoid if you start to be conscious of it.

I really hope this helps. I seriously know what your going through. I was miserable as a kid but I knew nothing about the way food affected me and (of course) hadn't discovered herbs yet. I hope they can help you like they've helped me:) The benefit of going the natural route is, you WON'T go into a coma. AND once you start taking the herbs regularly, if you forget it's not the end of the world because the herb will be flowing though your veins doing it's job:
Keeping your body in balance.

Also it's totally safe for kids so if your kids have allergies we can talk about what may help them too.

Thanks for reaching out Nick and sorry for the Novel:)
June 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterDesiree Winans
Thanks for all the great advice Des, don't worry about the long response, I appreciate the help. I'm going to try this approach out and see if it helps.

Thanks again!
June 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNick
Many people are today face the problems of allergies because of some kind of allergens.And this problem will harm you and harass you a lot in future.So it is wise to use this kind of product which not gives you any side effects.
Ref :
July 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteelepkevin
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