Low On Iron? Try this Root for Anemia & Digestion Support

yellow dock in early summerYellow Dock is everywhere.
It's a subtle plant that has big benefits for our bodies. The root should be dug up in fall when the top of the plant has turned completely brown. It's roots are- not surprisingly, bright yellow (thus the name yellow dock) This key identifier is a good way to know you have the right plant.
Once the roots have been dug up, split them and cut them as soon as possible, waiting more than a day or two will give you a difficult task as they get hard quickly.
It's high in organic food based iron and has the ability to correct anemia in a matter of days. Iron supplements don't compare as they are created in a lab and are not naturally recognized by the body as plants are. Plants do a better job of putting minerals into a usable form for animals and humans through the process of photosynthesis. Mother nature will not be outdone with her ability to make foods & plants that heal!