

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries in Bach Flower Essences (1)


Healing and Emotionally Wellness with Essential Oils & Flower Essences

Ok, here's the whole enchilada: for anyone that missed the class OR was there but couldn't possibly absorb all that info (I can't absorb it all, so I TOTALLY understand): HERE YOU GO! 

Slides and Notes from my Healing & Emotionally Wellness w/ Essential Oils & Flower Essences Class. This includes all my photo's, speaker notes and the slides that were shared with the class; All your missing are the essential oils we experienced and ME!  Please let me know if you have any questions:)