Homemade Hemp Oil & Herb Dressing
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There are more than a few ways to make homemade salad dressing. You can keep it really simple and start with apple cider vinegar and hemp or flax oil. I prefer flax oil because it has a nice profile of Omega Fatty Acids 3,6 and 9. This is my personal favorite brand (Nutiva) and best price to buy it. I use apple cider vinegar by Braggs. There are several options out there for Apple Cider Vinegar but always look for a brand that says, "with the mother" on the label. Sounds a little weird but it basically means that it's unfiltered and that it will contain strands of beneficial bacterias and enzymes, the "living" part of the venegar that makes it so beneficial to you. This is great for anyone with digestive issues like acid reflux or indigestion of any kind too.
So Oil and Vinegar are the 2 basic components; But what do you want to flavor your oil and vinegar with? Well you can't go wrong with the following herbs: