The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!
The Question: What is a good Medicinal Herb for Pink Eye?
The Answer: Certainly; But first of all, what are the symptoms of pinkeye? Symptoms include:
red, swollen eyes & eyelids
watering eyes
soreness or itchiness
excess mucus and crusty eyelashes when you wake up
hazy vision due to mucus
the feeling that something is stuck in your eye
Any problem of the eye will be greatly improved with the Medicinal Herb called Eyebright. Go to Better Health or Foods for Living, Whole Foods Market or any other Mom and Pop Food Store and purchase it in a liquid tincture form.
This is an email from a farm that I'm going to be checking out down west of Jackson Michigan. I still have yet to go to this farm and I know there is ALOT to still learn about their process. I just wanted to share the info so you can reach out to them if your interested. If you want to learn about the benefits of Raw Cows milk verses pasteurized milk; click here.
I found this and had to post it; this news story covers the introduction to one of the books I read for my term paper on the history of Fluoride. The book is by Christopher Bryson and it's called "The Fluoride Deception".
Seeing this news coverage forms a very clear and direct question in my mind:
If there is even one shred of information that links fluoride to bone cancer in young boys, why are we continuing to fluoridate the water? Not one single life of one child is worth all the pearly whites in the world.
There are more than a few ways to make homemade salad dressing. You can keep it really simple and start with apple cider vinegar and hemp or flax oil. I prefer flax oil because it has a nice profile of Omega Fatty Acids 3,6 and 9. This is my personal favorite brand (Nutiva) and best price to buy it. I use apple cider vinegar by Braggs. There are several options out there for Apple Cider Vinegar but always look for a brand that says, "with the mother" on the label. Sounds a little weird but it basically means that it's unfiltered and that it will contain strands of beneficial bacterias and enzymes, the "living" part of the venegar that makes it so beneficial to you. This is great for anyone with digestive issues like acid reflux or indigestion of any kind too.
So Oil and Vinegar are the 2 basic components; But what do you want to flavor your oil and vinegar with? Well you can't go wrong with the following herbs:
I recently had a friend reach out to me and tell me she was ready to do a fast. She was excited and full of lots of great questions. I've decided to share them with you (with her permission of course). For any of you on the fence or those that also have questions, this might be helpful. To the left is a helpful book by Steve Meyerowitz on Juice Fasting. Below are her questions and my answers. Her questions are a bit advanced but some are also fundamental for fasting. More updates on her progress will follow. Enjoy!
"Hi Dez, Ok, so I read all that I could find on your blog about fasting. I'm so glad that I did because I learned about weaning the certain foods & junk from my diet beforehand. I'm glad to have been doing the Maker's Diet since July so eliminating most of this won't be hard for me.
Now, for the questions about the actual fast..."
Q 1. During the fast, I should drink appropriate amounts of h2o, right? Half my body weight in ounces?
A 1. Drinking clear liquids is important. I'm not even very good at this one; Drink 50 to 70 ounces of pure water on top of your juicing and herbal infusions and you'll be just fine:)
I was preparing for my juicing class last week and came across the juiciest little tidbit about Sweet Potatoes. They are considered a "power food", meaning that they are very therapeutic.
These pretty babies contribute to healthy connective tissue and even speed the healing of wounds. They reduce the risk of cancer and osteoporosis and support healthy bones in general. They also help balance cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease.
ALL valuable attributes, but that's not what caught my eye:
Some research has indicated that consuming sweet potatoes may increase the likelihood of conceiving twins!
I'm so excited today because my first ever juicing class yesterday was an enormous success! I had more people in class than ever before with 19 in attendance and I had alot of great questions, excellent participation from people there and I had 4 people drive from almost 2 hours away in Ann Arbor! Thanks guys!
If you have questions on juicing, fasting or natural health, my ideas and experiences are just a click away. Check out the blog for all my detox info, fasting tidbits and ways to be more naturally healthy, pharmaceutical free and happy!
A SPECIAL thanks to my lovely Sister Destinee without whom the class would have been complete chaos! Your the best "Vanna" ever! Love you!
Before beginning a path of persistent use of medications for your young child in the treatment of ADD or ADHD check out my natural suggestions below to improve their diet and see what type of behavior you're really working with!
For those of you that already have your kids on medications for ADD or ADHD; if you are willing to try, I'm willing to help you on the path to getting them medication free. Don't despair in your choices, the body is resilient and forgiving. You're doing the best with the information you had at the time!
There are no magic bullets in health; It won't be the easy path, but it's worth every inconvenience, tantrum or trouble. The health of the future depends on healthy children today.