

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!



Chocolate & Cayenne Chicken Chili

What's for dinner tonight? Do you have the following items in your pantry?

2 cans cut Stewed tomatoes (homemade or canned)
1 cup Organic Dark Red Kidney Beans (soak dried ones for 18-24 hours for best nutritional beans) canned are just fine too. For canned Kidneys use one can.
1 cup chopped leftover baked chicken (YUM)
1 tsp organic oregano
2 tsp powdered baking chocolate (fair trade and organic is always a good way to go with chocolate
1 tsp organic cayenne pepper
2 cloves organic garlic, crushed or minced.
2 tsp Himalayan sea salt
A couple of tablespoons of the chicken broth from baked chicken (optional)

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Heal Your Leaky Gut and Cure your Allergies!

You may have heard of Leaky Gut Syndrome: But what is a Leaky Gut? 

What happens is many years of poor eating, poor digestion and/or not drinking enough water erodes the lining of the gut. Stagnant wastes sitting around in the large intestine with delayed digestion also create parasite infestations that almost always simultaneously exist when someone has a leaky gut.  Gross I know- but wouldn't you rather know?

Anyway, food materials traveling through the intestines find their way through eroded portions of the intestinal lining and end up in the blood stream (where they DO NOT belong).  The body recognizes them as invaders and launches a response against the invader much the way it would respond to a pollen.  The body is pretty smart and it remembers those allergens as proteins that didn't belong in the blood stream. The body then sees any similar protein substance in the system as an invader.  This is why you see allergies to dairy, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, and so on; All contain proteins. 

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Coconut Oil Benefits in a Nutshell; haha.

What is the deal with coconut oil?  Doctors told us for years to avoid it like the plague.  Now everyone & there grandmother seems to be using it in good health.  What gives?  What gives is that coconut oils bad rep stems from research done with Hydrogenated Coconut Oil.  Hydrogenation is the process of blasting oils with hydrogen to produce a shelf stable product.  The problem is, they contribute to cardio vascular problems, obesity, & hindrance of cellular function.  

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Why I fast.

Today is day 12 of my Juice Fast (or juice feast as I'm trying to call it).  Juicing has really improved my health in the last year.  My digestion has improved; less bloating, gas, all that fun stuff has diminished.

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Calcium Deposits: How we get them, How we get RID of them.

I recently had a friend reach out to me and ask what he could do for a calcium deposit in his shoulder.  I recommended that he started getting a very mineral rich diet intake, juicing vegetables rich in sodium. Celery, for example is high in sodium, which is a necessary nutrient for the body. Not the type of sodium that your french fries are coated in; This is the sodium found in abundance in vegetables such as celery and even in fruits.  I also mentioned to begin avoiding when possible "enriched with Calcium" products such as Orange Juice, Soy Milk, Rice milk or any type of enriched processed foods.  

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Mineral Assessment Questionnaire (MAQ Part 4)

Yay! You've almost completed my Mineral Assessment Questionnaire.  You're probably burning up a little Phosphorus doing this so after your done go make yourself an omelette!  haha~eggs are high in sulphur.

I'll reach out to you in the next week with a report of what I've observed, what foods you can eat to shore up what your lacking and supplements that will help remineralize your body.  

Please reach out to me if you have any questions in the meantime.  For those of you that are in the greater Lansing area I would love to meet in person and go over the results together.   I'll reach out to you about that soon. 

Thanks for your interest in natural health!  

Be Well!!!

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Mineral Assessment Questionnaire (MAQ Part 3)

Thanks for completing part 3 of my MAQ:)  Please feel free to finish Part 4 when you have time.  I will reach out to you within 1 week of completing all 4 forms.  Thanks for your interest!

Mineral Assessment Questionnaire (MAQ Part 2)

Thanks for completing part 2 of my MAQ:)  Please feel free to finish Part 3 & 4 when you have time.  I will reach out to you within 1 week of completing all 4 forms. Thanks for your interest!

Fill out my form!


Mineral Assessment Questionnaire (MAQ Part 1)

Have you ever wondered if you lacking in Essential Minerals?  

We all know that a Calcium deficiency can lead to low bone density.  Did you know that a lack of Magnesium can lead to hyperactivity? Low Sulphur in the diet can lead to stormy emotions, irritability and worry. Manganese deficiencies can cause mental confusion, or even anger and depression.  

Furthermore it's important to have the right kind of minerals in the body.  You may get tested and see that the Calcium is prevalent in your blood, but if it's not calcium from natural food sources like greens, raw dairy and broccoli and other vegetables, it's not going to be utilized by the body and deposited in the bones where it belongs.  

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A Note on Olive Oil

Olive oil is wonderful. It's been used over many hundreds of years mainly because it's easy to press and it didn't require refrigeration to keep it from going rancid back before we had refrigerators!

Olive oil is one of the only food oils that you can buy that is processed without heat and will retain more of it’s trace amounts of vitamin E, it’s magnesium rich chlorophyll, and it’s other heart protective nutrients. 

 Extra Virgin Olive oil has even HIGHER standards of processing. So if you can be selective go with Extra Virgin as it's made with the best & freshest olives which equals better nutrients in your oil.

However, when it is cooked with at temperatures over 150º (as in with baking and when frying anything over a light sautee) The healthful benefits of the oil are promptly destroyed and replaced with mutagenic elements that

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