

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!



Why Raw Goat's Milk?

There are many reasons to drink Raw Goats Milk-
If you're lucky enough to find an organically fed, no anti-biotic treated and 100% holistically geared farm; you've found liquid gold. Raw goats milk tastes absolutely delicious, it varies of course based on the time of year and what they are eating-be it clover, grass or hay. I think it tastes like heaven:)
It's wonderfully nutritious. And for those of us with mild to severe intollerances to dairy (which most of us have- even if we don't know it), Raw Goats milk is the best thing since sliced bread! Here are a few of the benefits:

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What Milk With My Cereal is Best? Rethinking Breakfast

Messages like this are great-BUT they don't mean that what your buying is a Whole unprocessed Food.
On the path to healthier eating, I've changed what I eat for breakfast SO many times...
...I went from cows milk to soy milk and then hemp milk in my cereal; I switched to smoothies I went to just having eggs and now I've been juicing daily in the morning for over a year.
When we're searching for health, it's learned in increments. We'll never stop learning (hopefully) and we never stop searching for the answers to health. That consciousness is a rare and beautiful thing- that many people won't ever have! So if your reading this, your searching and I'm happy to be apart of it- if only in a tiny way.
As far as what milks to choose, the bottom line is, the more natural, unprocessed the better. Since "natural" has become somewhat of an adulterated term itself, I'll explain. 

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Support Natural Health Freedom

The Michigan Natural Health Coalition needs your help to maintain the right for people to seek natural health guidance and for practitioners in the field to continue their work!

These are dedicated and knowledgable individuals who educate the public in ways to live healthier, disease and prescription drug free! Support them by sighing the petition today! Thanks!


Help Support Natural Health Freedom So I can Continue to Support Your Path to Natural Health

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Remedies For Acute Reactions Immediately Following Vaccinations

I'm trying to take this quote to heart myself!Acute treatment of vaccination reactions may help to mitigate the damage that vaccinations can cause.

The topic of vaccination is a heated one. If you do choose to vaccinate, learn everything you can from a diverse assortment of "bodies of knowledge" on the subject. Also working with homeopathic remedies and/or a homeopathic physician if you do decide to vaccinate is recommended. Homeopathy can remove the effects of vaccinations in an child or an adult many years after vaccinations have taken place. The sphere of removing effects of vaccinations belongs to the homeopath; the choice to vaccinate, partially vaccinate or not vaccinate belongs to the parents. 

Ledum palustre (aka Ledum)

Nondescript reactions for any vaccination. Ledum is specific for DPT vaccination. Ledum is often used for puncture wounds as with a sharp instrument or for a poisonous bite. With Ledum, the arm or leg looks bruised with black and blue discoloration. The area around the vaccination may be dark, bruised, sore, achy and infected looking. It does not heal well. In this situation, The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum 30C is recommended. 

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Cha-Cha-Cha Chia & Chlorophyll: Why You Need Em'!

A digestive-support-match-made-in-heaven!

Chia seed all by itself is fantastic! It was used for centuries by native American and Aztec civilizations. It was used to give them sustained energy for battle or on long hunting excursions. Chia is the Mayan word for "strength".

It's power packed in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, healthy fats fiber (both soluble and insoluble), phytochemicals and more. It's higher in essential fatty acids per ounce than salmon and is one of the the highest protein by weight plant sources as well. In nutshell- it's a SUPER FOOD! Chia is inexpensive, you can buy a pound for a couple of dollars in bulk at most health food stores- Here's Better Health Stores Link regarding Chia Seeds.  

Click to EnlargeChia Seeds Contain:

  • protein
  • fiber
  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • sodium
  • zinc
  • copper
  • manganese
  • selenium
  • vitamin B1,B2,B3,B6
  • folate (folic acid)
  • vitamin A,C,& E
  • saturated fats, monounsaturated fats & polyunsaturated fats
  • essential amino acids (the ones our body's don't make) 
  • non-essential amino acids (our body's do make these)

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Naturally Green Beer With Liquid Chlorophyll

Want green beer the natural way? Pick up a bottle of liquid chlorophyll today at an natural health food store. There are many choices but the Herbs Etc. ChlorOxygen is a fairly easy one to find that is reasonable priced. Chlorophyll is a natural blood supporting substance, it oxygenates the blood so well that it's used for those suffering from altitude sickness!

Pick up one of these and add 5 to 10 drops to your favorite beverage today water, smoothie, freshly juiced juice or YES, Beer. Enjoy today in all its beautiful glory!

The best beer to use is light beer (which isn't usually my favorite), but lighter beers look more green. The darker beers will appear more green-brown. The other thing to watch out for is that some of the chlorophyll has a mint flavor; I don't recommend that unless you want your beer to be minty fresh as well!

Chlorophyll used daily in water or juice contributes to healthier digestion, circulation, healthy blood cells and better energy levels. This chlorophyll is made with Nettle which some of you know is one of my favorite medicinal herbs. It's extremely mineral rich and nutritious!

Pick some up and let me know what you think!


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20 Herbs for Colds, Flu, Better Nutrition & Stress

Anything *starred is excellent for children!

*Peppermint: Mentha Piperita

  • This herb is in a class of it’s own, it’s tasty! Add it to herbs that you don’t like the taste of.
  • Amazing flavor, digestive, cooling, good for gas or upset stomach.  
  • Can be used to flavor herbs that don’t taste good.  
  • It’s a wonderful herb to infuse in oil as the aroma is calming and at the same time invigorating.
  • Infuse in oil for at least 4 to six weeks for best results.
  • Can be used fresh or dried.
  • Pick leaves just before they flower.
  • When harvesting avoid brown and bug-eaten leaves.
  • Dry hanging upside down secured with rubber bands until crispy.  
  • Leaves should be green and still contain there aromatic quality.  
  • Store in glass.
  • Where to buy the herbal tea?
  • Like to buy in bulk? Here’s the link:

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One Reason Why Your Bodily pH Matters

Click to EnlargeThe body is constantly striving to keep your tissues at certain pH levels.  For example the blood MUST stay between 6.45 and 7.45.  If it varies outside of that we begin to die.  SO, what this means is that the body MUST keep the tissues within range so that everything keeps working properly. When we eat acidifying foods the body must neutralize or buffer the acids not only to keep the body in homeostasis but so that we can evacuate fluids without damaging the lining of the ureter tubes.

What does the body use to buffer acids? Minerals like Sodium (from foods like vegetables), Calcium (from food and from the Bones).  I firmly believe that the high protein craze of the last 30 years has seriously contributed to the rise in osteoporosis in this country; we have all these osteoporosis meds, but we still have osteoporosis- Excessive protein intake is hard for the body to process, leaches minerals and contributes to the acidifying of the body. Acid bodies create inflammation, which in turn leads to disease.

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Simple Juicing Recipes For The Rookie Juicer

My recommended reading for those new to juicing is 'Juicing for Life' by Cherie Calbom. The fruits and veggies that are in bold are my favorites.

  • Carrots (about 6-8 medium size) 
  • Celery (2-3 stalks)
  • Apple (1 apple)
  • Beet (1/2 to start, increase to 1 beet) 
  • Ginger (1/2 to1 inch to start) 
  • Oranges (no more than 2 per session) 
  • Cucumber (1 half)
  • Sweet Potato (1 half)
  • Grapes (1 handful)
  • Any kind of Melon (1/4 melon)
  • Tomato (no more than 2 medium tomatoes)
  • Lemon & Lime (no more than 1)
  • Pineapple (no more than what will fit in your hand) 

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Allergies & Thier Neutralizing Antidotes

For those of you that struggle with allergies, it's NEVER too late to begin healing the intestinal tract, taking nutritional supplements of minerals, amino acids and herbs to reverse- YES, REVERSE, your allergies. All the foods that most can be allergic to are on the left, the minerals, amino acids and other supplements that will help to reverse the allergy are in the next 4 columns. If you don't see what your allergic to, reach out! I'll try to track it down for you! 

Please reach out to me with any questions on this at Thanks!

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