

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!



The Skin Doesn't Lie

On the right is grass fed butter, golden and beautiful. On left is regular store color at all indicating it's lack of vitamin A and other minerals. Psoriasis, Eczema, Dry Skin & all other skin conditions are a sign of what is happening within us. 

My professor always says, "Dry Skin, means a dry colon". Then she'll bang her fists on the podium and say, "You gotta eat more butter!!!" I may be exaggerating a bit about the banging on the podium, but everything else is as true as can be. We are a nation starved of the good fats, and drowning in the bad ones. Let's start there; With FAT. Wonderful, P.H.A.T., fat, fatty fatter-son FAT!  :) It's not a dirty word, it's vital for the health of our brains, digestion and skin. 

Begin a regiment of healthy fats like fish oil, hemp oil, or flax oil for any skin condition. All will do but I personally prefer hemp oil because it has a nice ratio of omega 3's to omega 6's.

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Bodycare Minus the Junk

Here's a few of my favorites...

Alaffia Brand Shampoo's and soaps (anything they make is high quality and natural in the highest order). It is a little pricey (not too bad really though) and available these days at most health food stores. I LOVE this company; truly a company with a cause. You can also find them online. 

Aubreys: Their shampoos are some of the most natural available. They too are a little on the pricey side (kind of par for the course with the really natural stuff). However when I worked at Whole Foods (and still today I have to remind myself) That it's not important that you get this huge "sudsie" lather for your hair to be clean.

Lather = Detergents. Detergents are drying and overall not really that good for the hair anyway;my point is Less is More. It's a hard habit to break because it just feels good!

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Kick the Addiction

Ready to kick diet coke? Awesome! I have a few suggestions. If green tea is too bitter (also it's caffeinated so it really shouldn't be ingested habitually); I really like Nettle Tea. Yes, it's stinging nettle the stuff that would sting the crap out of you in the woods as a kid, or is lurking in the garden somewhere overgrown. It's one of the most nutritious herbs on earth; high in Vitamin C, Vit A, Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc. And it's freakin' tasty.

Once the nettle is exposed to heat from boiled water the "sting" is killed. So, prepare like any old tea and it's lovely. I have yet to find a person who doesn't like Nettle tea. It's good Iced or Hot:)...Also peppermint tea would be excellent, great for digestion, invigorating, flavorful and masks any tea your drinking that you don't like!:)

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Fasting Works For Me

Juicing has really improved my health in the last year.

The most noticiable change is my digestion; less bloating, gas, easier to maintain my weight, stay active and look younger. With a focus on vegetables and fruits I have more energy which is nice. I know that I'm getting the antioxidants I need to stay healthier longterm too! I also have noticed with juicing (and taking iodine & herbals) that I have less period pain and fewer days of cramping; also a bonus. 

There are alot of little things that change when you begin to juice. I feel like I dont have to work out as much to maintain my weight for example. Which is good because Modern Hippie biz is hopping! Juicing is easy excluding the cleanup!), delicious and so good for you and your family. (kids too!)

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Spring Cleaning For The Bowels

Cleansing the bowels with these suggestions will help encourage elimination. Ever think about doing a bowel cleanse?

There are SO many ways that you can do it. You can get kits, you can take pills, powders, oils and so on. This blog post contains a custom made bowel cleanse that I created for a client and I decided to share it! The main goal of a bowel cleanse is to ensure stagnant waste is moved out of the bowels, to bombard the bowels with healthy substances it needs to function well, and to establish healthier habits for continued bowel health. Spring cleaning really does apply to more than just your house! 

You can do any combination of these suggestions; the more you implement and adhere to, the more effective bowel cleanse will be achieved. 

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Earaches Treated Homeopathically

Antibiotics are commonly given for earaches;

However many times this is not an effective treatment. If the earache is viral in nature it won't do a lick of good, but it can do harm.

Antibiotics should be a last resort as they do irreparable damage to the healthy bacteria in the intestines. This is important as your healthy bacteria is the cornerstone of your immune system health.

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Defeating the Yeast Beast

This is the Renew Life Critical Care recommended by my Naturopath. I've trusted Renew Life for years. Pick this up at Better Health with a coupon if you can as it's pricey. Chronic yeast infections are not something to put a bandaid on...

...And by bandaid I mean Monastat, Vagasil or any of those other over the counter creams or suppositories. This will only suppress this illness for a short time, only to have it rear it's ugly head later. As it did with me. I used Monastat in my early twenties for yeast infections that I would get about once a year or so. 10 years later, here I am dealing with it for keeps, naturally.

For me this battle with yeast began with the removal of the mercury from my teeth late last year; just days later the yeast began to detox from my body, with a vengeance! Mercury toxicity actually impedes the body's ability to reduce yeast overgrowth. Now that the mercury is gone, the yeast is subsiding. I have flare ups but as long as I avoid beer, too much refined sugar and stick to the program below, I'm defeating the yeast beast. Healing is about perminant lifestyle changes, not temporary quick fixes. Ho Hum.

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Oil Pulling Diary: Day 1

A Modern Hippie fan reached out to me asking what I thought about oil pulling. I have heard of it but I didn't know anyone that was doing it and I decided to do the experiment with it myself.

Oil pulling is swishing natural oil in your mouth for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. This technique has been done for hundreds if not thousands of years and has a variety of healthy benefit claims including, whiter teeth, better gum health, detoxification of mucus, decreasing the bags under the eyes and dark circles and more.

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Crowd Pleasing, Heart Healthy, Garlic Guacamole!

You're probably like me and running out this morning to buy last minute snacks before the game. Did you know that most super bowl Sunday snack fests can pack an entire day's worth of calories into one sitting? Yikes! If your going to go for "caloric density" at least give your body something it can use like healthy fats and garlic- YUM!

So what can you pick up today that will please the masses and not spread your asses? Pardon my poem.

Guacamole: It's hard to find someone that doesn't like this green garlic goodness. I made a really great one with garlic, tomato, a touch of lime and cilantro. Avocado are rich in healthy fats, excellent for the heart and cardiovascular system as they are rich in vitamin E. Garlic is also heart healthy and especially good for those with high blood pressure. Garlic has been known for centuries for it's healing and anti-infectious properties. Cilantro is a beautiful herb as it supports the detoxification of heavy metals out of the body. Cayenne pepper, which is optional is circulatory, cleansing and diaphoretic (opens the blood vessels). Lastly lime is alkalizing and

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FREE Apitherapy Seminar in Ohio, Saturday February 18th 2012

Hello Friends!
Who's interested in learning about the amazing world of Apitherapy? This the therapeutic use of all things from bee hives. The honey, the royal jelly, the bee propolis & of course, the venom. 
I'll be traveling down to Ohio on Saturday February 18th to take part in an Apitherapy Seminar. It's a potluck so we can all take a dish to pass.
Bee Sting therapy has been used for over 3000 years in China to cure disease such as arthritis and is used for many serious injuries and conditions.
There will be speakers from all over the country, live sting demonstrations, info on bee keeping and more. This is an amazing opportunity; it's FREE and it could open up a whole new facet of natural healing. I'M STOKED!!!!
Please reach out if your interested!