

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries by Desiree Winans (157)


On Turkey Day- Keep It Simple: Especially If Your Under the Weather

Ok, so now over-eating on Turkey Day contributes to illness? WHAT NEXT?

You can't drink the water, breath the air or eat food without there being some danger in it these days. Yes, true- it can be a bit bleak out there. However what I'm referring to specifically is food combining, how the body digests food and how it relates to this time of year when everyone and their grandmother is fighting off some "bug". 

So what the heck am I talking about? Food Combining. Food combining is the concept of eating certain foods together and avoiding other food combinations so that they digest easily, without or with less gas and with best assimilation of nutrients contained therein. 

When you eat too many different foods in one sitting, i.e. Thanksgiving or Christmas, your birthday or other festive event, your body gets REALLY tired after the meal. Ever notice this phenomenon? This is because your body is trying like HECK to digest 10 different foods all at once. Each requiring a different set of gastric juices, enzymes etc.

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The Great Hangup- How Plugging-In Unplugs Me From The World. 

It's nice what you observe when you go for a walk or a run without your phone, iPod, or any sort of electronic device.

I've done it two days in a row now. I like how I feel my energy going inward with thought and outward with tiny connections with strangers. 

So many times, I felt happy, thoughtful, connected and could feel euphoric feelings moving outward and inward simultantiously. All because I was engaged in the world. Or at least that's what I think is the reason. 

Also the silence is nice. It's rare & gentle:) I love it!

Although my attention often went to what I DIDN'T hear, it also went frequently to things that I was more aware of without the electronic stimuli of either checking facebook, changing songs in iTunes or seeing what time it was... I heard interesting private conversations, I got a random high five from a student who may not have engaged me if I had my ear buds in.

I even saw a girl drop something important riding her bike- but she couldn't hear me as I shouted for her, hope she is able to work that out:/

Lastly, seeing nature churn: water move, leaves rustle, & fat daddy squirrels with all their pre-winter scampering. 

I may never take my iPhone for an iRun again! 



LANSING CLASS! Flu Shots & Fluoride: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!

Interested in learning more about vaccines? Have you ever heard that fluoride is bad for you? Come hear what yoru doctor and dentist won't tell you! ALL the info including class details, map to the venue and class time is at the link. A $5 donation is apprecieated. I hope to see you there!

Flu Shot's & Fluoride RSVP Link!


Happy Halloween! 


Rethinking Vaccines

Got questions about Vaccines?

Got 15 minutes? Learn a multitude of reasons to RETHINK vaccines.


Bless you Sherri Tenpenny:)


Demand The Right To Know What We Are Eating! 

YES ON 37!!!! 

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Acne & Hormonal Balance- A Naturopathic Rock & A Hard Place

A friend reached out about acne, hormonal balance & the fallout from a miscarriage last year.

Here's my suggestions to her and anyone looking to balance hormones, cleanse the body and prepare for pregnancy after miscarriage. Please email me at desiree@modernhippie for more information for you specifically. Everyone is different and needs individual programs and considerations before beginning a regiment. 
Disclaimer: These suggestions below are JUST suggestions. If you need emergency assistance go to the hospital or seek healthcare from your doctor. 

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A Naturopathic Perspective On Grief

The passing of a family friend two nights ago has me thinking deeply about greif.

We all have it, whether we have lost someone close or not. However those that do lose a close loved one or friend are in a bit of a special club. It's a club you didn't belong to before- and were oblivious that it existed. 

One doesn't truly know heartache until someone close to them dies. The sadness of them passing, the guilt for not "doing more"- or telling them how much they really meant to you. All those physical opportunities disappear in a literal heartbeat. 

We have strong emotions when we are in grieving- but grieving itself is an emotion of the lungs. When you're sad or grieving, you may find yourself sighing all the time. When I lost my brother nearly 5 years ago to a car accident- before I knew anything about emotions and organs- I was sighing CONSTANTLY. I was aware of it- I just didn't know the connection. We store grief in the lungs. Undealt with- respiratory problems can arise. 

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Gluten Free Start Up Suggestions- AND GF Dining Tips For Lansing Michigan

Trying to eat Gluten Free?

Here's some good starter info- BUT FIRST, WHY EAT GLUTEN FREE? 

  • Gluten is a very sticky molecule, it sticks to cell receptor sites- essentially "gumming up the works" 
  • Gluten has been modified over the last 150- years to be even MORE glutinous- we are now more reactive to this wheat as it's different than all previous wheat historically
  • Gluten inhibits cells ability to uptake sugar- adding insult to injury with those with sugar imbalances
  • Gluten makes you fat! - It's true, if you don't digest it well (most people don't), it doesn't completely leave the intestinal tract, adding weight over time
  • Gluten contributes to malabsorbtion of nutrients. This means your getting LESS of all those good foods your spending good money on. 
  • Contributes to skin problems, yeast problems, breathing problems and digestive issues- probably alot more than that to...
  • Gluten can easily be avoided these days with a bit of work at first but you get used to it! 

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New 2 Year Study: Massive Tumors On Rats Fed GMO Corn

WARNING: The Photo's Below Are Disturbing.

They are disturbing to me as someone who loves animals- & as someone that is concerned for our food supply. 

The rat's below were not exposed to arsenic, lead or any other such poison. They ate GMO foods for 2 years in a an experiment that removes any doubt in my mind that there is something very wrong with our food. 

This study released today shows herbicides & GMO's produce powerful effect on the liver, kidneys, and increase frequency & rate of tumor growth. It gives us insight into what GMO's over time can do to our bodies. It's plain to see what they have done to these poor rats' bodies. The original article is here.

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