

Welcome To Modern Hippie

The Modern Hippie is me ~ Desiree Winans, Natural Health Educator. I teach my clients and classes how to use the tools of Naturopathy to heal themselves and their families through natural, non-invasive, holistic means. Learn more about me here and check out my recent blog posts below!


Entries by Desiree Winans (157)


How Intestinal Permeability Contributes To Allergies, Illness & Autistic Spectrum Symptoms

This segment is a little longer at 4 minutes long- but if you have children or even specifically autistic children- check it out! 

They explain how gut permeability has increased due at least in part to the rise of GMO foods in the foods supply since 1996. This increased permeability allows food particles and contents of the intestinal tract to leak into the blood stream, where the body releases an antibody to "destroy" this foreign invader. 

The result is increased allergic responses- sometimes coming on overnight or increasing in severity and scope over time. 

To avoid a great portion of GMO foods avoid corn, soy, cottonseed and canola. These ingredients are VERY common in boxed food therefore box food or convenience foods like macaroni and cheese for example- should always be purchased organically when possible.

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1 Minute Segment On Allergies & Intestinal Health

Here's a 1 minute segment on why intestinal permeability relates to allergies.

Intestinal permeability is impacted by GMO foods, excessive alcohol, excessive wheat, not enough water and is commonplace in some conditions such as Autism. Removing GMO's from the diet is the first step to healing the gut and reversing allergies and some symptoms in the autistic spectrum. 

Supplementing with L'Glutamine is the next step as it helps to build new stomach lining cells, increasing integrity in the gut lining. 

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Tinctured Sunflower Seed- Whole Food Vitamin E And Much More! 

Looking for a whole food Vitamin E source?

It's difficult to get enough nutrients from our food! And antioxidants are some of the most important to get as they protect us from disease, disorder and premature aging. 

Vitamin E supports healthy circulation & helps prevent cancer. It's an amazing antioxidant reported to defend the body from over 80 known diseases!
I just found this Good Herbs Brand tinctured sunflower seed containing one of the best known food source of Vitamin E. 
I've come to really trust Good Herbs. They are located right here in Michigan too. They make wonderful liquid (and some capsule) herbals with care, experience and they create well thought-out formulas.

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A Green Smoothie that is ACTUALLY Good!

Ok, I know GOOD is a subjective word. What's good to me, might not be good to you. 

This spirulina smoothie will redefine your opinion of green drinks forever. It's so smooth, creamy and sweet- it's the best one I've had yet- Thanks to Rachel Knapp- my friend, fellow student the Naturopathic Institute and smoothie chef extraordinaire! All the credit is to you my dear! 

Here's what you need and where to get it! 

Mix all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth! Add a few ice cubes and blend again if desired. Rachel says she likes to drink it out of a wine glass at home to be extra fun :-)

You'll spend about $35 or so on all this stuff (give or take some if you buy more nuts, chia, or spirulina) but have smoothies for at least 2 weeks. The cacao and the spirulina will likely last much longer as they are available in larger containers.

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The Complete List of Genetically Modified Foods

Rapeseed - This is where canola comes from . All Canola is by definition GMO. I'd skip it and go for olive oil or coconut oil. They modified it to get rid of the Gluconsinolates, which were found in rapeseed meal leftover from pressing. This was toxic and had prevented the use of this meal in animal feed. In Canada the crop was renamed "canola" (Canadian oil) to differentiate it from non-edible rapeseed.

Honey - Honey can be produced from GM crops. Some Canadian honey comes from bees collecting nectar from GM canola plants. This has shut down exports of Canadian honey to Europe. Honey should ALWAYS be local! It's better for your health- espeically if you have allergies! Try to source your honey from an area that is not covered with GMO farms. Hard to do- I KNOW- but try:)

Cotton - Resistant to certain pesticides - considered a food because the oil can be consumed. The introduction of genetically engineered cotton plants has had an unexpectedly effect on Chinese agriculture. The so-called Bt cotton plants that produce a chemical that kills the cotton bollworm have not only reduced the incidence of the pest in cotton fields, but also in neighboring fields of corn, soybeans, and other crops. Bt cotton has also been responsible for killing animals in india that have grazed off the cotton fields after harvest. Some farmers there have lost their entire lively-hoods and have subsequently killed themselves to escape the social shame attached to the loss of their farms and being indebted so terribly to the banks. 

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Amino Acids- The Building Blocks Of Personality! 

Amino Acids are more than just the building blocks of protein- they make up who we are- OR who we can become!

Ever have consistant anxiety? Racing thoughts? Perhaps your the type of person that just can't relax?

 Perhaps your short on something called GABA. GABA is an neurotransmitter that literally inhibits these "stress signals" from firing in the brain so rapidly! It calms, cools and sooths- putting you more in control of thoughts and feelings. 

Amino Acid dominance or deficiency can explain why feel the way we do, why we lack feeling and can improve health by making sure we have all the components necessary for balance biochemistry.

Understanding our brain chemistry can help take us closer to understanding ourselves; bringing us closer to self love & acceptance.

I took a course on Amino Acids over the weekend and I'm blown away at how they control many aspects of our personalities, tendencies & much of the human condition. Feelings such as fear, love, romance, intensity, lethargy, our quick wittedness or lack there of -ALL are controlled by dominating or lacking amino acids! 

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Back To School Immune Support Check List!

Yes, I'm a complete 80's dork. Back to school is upon us.

Oh lord- let the germ exposure begin! 

Fear Not Mom's, Dad's & Teachers...Our bodies are designed to eat viruses and bacteria for breakfast!

Here's what I'd recommend:

  • Elderberry/and or Echinacea tincture (take either or both one week on, one week off) About 30 drops (1 dopper full is a prevention dose) Click the Elderberry Link above for instructions on it's use. 
  • An Acute dose of echinacea tincture- meaning YOU ARE FOR SURE GETTING SICK- would be 60-90 drops of echinacea every 2 hours. This is 2-3 droppers full. 
  • Once your fully sick, these things will help but at this point you may need other herbals to improve symptoms like expectorants, antispasmodics and continued immune support to speed heal time. 
  • Pick up a high quality commercial Elderberry Extract here- caution though this size is best for a family as it should be used within 1 month of purchase:)

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The Risks We Take Everyday With GMO Foods

There are many health risks associated with Genetically Engineered foods. 

The possible side-effects of GMO ingestion below have been documented by independent scientists- NOT affiliated with the biotech industry. We must adhere to the precautionary principle when it comes to something as important as our food. 

With over 70% of processed foods on our shelves in the US being of genetically modified origin- the implications to our nations health are scary- to put it nicely. 

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So-Called "Natural" Food Companies Against Truth In Labeling Of Food- What You Need To Know.

Please consider boycotting the below named companies.

They are donating money to defeat Proposition 37 in California, a ballot initiative which SUPPORTS the Truth in Labeling of Our Food. 

If this ballot passes, food manufacturers will begin changing their ways to help make our foods safer, less confusing, and more transparent.  Proposition 37 is designed to improve labeling practices and discourage misleading marketing tactics.

Want more info? Read this to find out why you should support Proposition 37.

Please donate just $5 today. If you can give more please do. This is an historic initiative! If our food requires labeling- this means that you will KNOW that a food your buying is genetically modified or not.  We deserve the choice- so that we can make educated decisions on what we eat and feed our families. 
If you own a business, whether it's in the natural health field or NOT, Please consider endorsing Proposition 37. Add your name to the list- It Feels Good! 

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Put The Deet Down- It's Just A Flu-!

West Nile is a virus-

-to protect yourself take antiviral herbs and substances like colloidal silver. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE! The CDC claims the flu kills 36,000 a year but they don't declare it a state of emergency. 

100,000 people have West Nile RIGHT NOW (according to NPR) and don't even know it as the symptoms are so mild. It's a flu friends! Take antivirals to combat viruses. Keep the immune system strong by consuming antivirals, fruits, veggies and lots of pure water. 
Please don't misunderstand my intention- people loosing their loved ones to the complications from the flu is terrible. I want people to know they have options and that they don't need to be afraid. Taking steps to build the immune system is vitally important. 

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